OIL PAINTING CLASS with Gaylon Thompson 


March 5 - April 9, 2025


Wednesdays (6 Weeks)

9 AM - 12 PM




All experience-level artists are welcome!


Beginner: You will start with a small 8x10 landscape and learn to draw an image with a grid on the canvas. You will also learn how to under-paint, mix colors, and judge values. Finally, you will complete a painting from start to finish.


Intermediate: Will learn composition, how to set up a still life, working from warm to cool colors, dark to light, thin to thick, and much more.


Experienced: Gaylon can use his many years of knowledge to help you improve your paintings. He can be another set of eyes and make suggestions to enhance your abilities as a painter.

Basics of Drawing Class with April Dawes


January 21 - February 25, 2025


Tuesdays (6 Weeks)

6-8 PM



Unleash your artistic potential in our six-week beginning to intermediate drawing class. Explore the fundamentals of line, shape, value, tone, negative space, and perspective fundamentals. Master the art of drawing with confidence and precision as we break down the drawing process. Acquire the skills to bring your observations to life on paper effectively.



11x14 drawing pad (recommend Strathmore)

Drawing pencils: Faber-Castell set of 12 (2H-8B)

Kneaded Gum eraser


Building on the Basics with April Dawes 


January 23 - February 27, 2025


Thursdays (6 Weeks)

6-8 PM 



This 6-week observational drawing class is perfect for those who know basic drawing and want to improve their technique and skills. Each week will focus on a different skill or method. Through live demos, independent work, and personal instruction, you will: 



  • Increase drawing accuracy 
  • Increase understanding of light and shadow 
  • Learn techniques for creating depth
  • Explore different methods for creating texture





11x14 drawing pad (recommend Strathmore)

Drawing pencils: Faber-Castell set of 12 (2H-8B)

Kneaded Gum eraser



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